We have unwavering faith in our entire product range, which is why we provide a 100% Satisfaction Assurance.
Our commitment extends to every creation from Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear - nothing more, nothing less. Our trust in the excellence of our products, along with the meticulous craftsmanship and premium materials that go into each piece, is resolute. We back this with a pledge to cover the lifespan of every item against malfunction or damage in its intended use.

We've Got You Covered
Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear takes pride in creating gear designed to endure for a lifetime. Our unwavering trust in the meticulous workmanship and superior quality of our products is reflected in our commitment: should your Holster, Attachment, or Mag Pouch break, we offer a free repair or replacement, with the exception of shipping and handling expenses. A copy of the original purchase order is required in order to process warranty replacements.
Use the contact form to submit your request. We may ask for pictures to determine if the item(s) need to be returned for repair.
Modified items are not covered under warranty.

Hardware Replacement Kits
If you end up losing any screws, we will have a replacement kit shipped out to you. You'll only be responsible for the shipping and handling costs.

Free 30-Day Returns/Exchanges
When buying directly from us, you can take advantage of our 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked.
Should you find yourself dissatisfied with your purchase for any reason, simply initiate a Return Request. Upon receipt of the returned product, we'll provide a complete refund, no questions posed.
Returns must be in pristine, unused, and unblemished condition. Otherwise, the return request will not be accepted. Custom holster colors are subject to a 15% restocking fee.